Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Self care apple tarts "Slightly deformed" :D

One amazing thing I have gotten into is making or baking... I made some yummy malformed tarts. When we go to Barns and Noble to get books. I love to grab an Americano and an apple tart. Let's face it. They are delicious.  So yesterday I sat there looking at the two apples I had left. and started to look for easy tart recipes. All called for premade pie crust. So then I was like okay. I'll just make a crust. Recipes for both are here; Links below. Tart filling:
 Pie crust:

Mind you, I broke out my rolling pin and got to work. looking back I should have taken more photos. But that's okay. Of course, I had never mad a pie crust so it was a challenge. I rolled out eight tiny crusts and placed them in my muffin tin.

Then I chopped up my two apples and made the filling...

I had a feeling of joy and satisfaction after this.  In the oven, they went. :D

They turned out yummy. Not too pretty but yummy.  But don't mind the odd color. I took the photo under a grow light, I keep for my herbs I grow.  Sadly those plants died. But I will tell a story about that another day.

This morning I had some with coffee so wonderful. I hope you all have a great day! Thank you for Stopping in.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Yummy Bagels

Found The recipe here:

I used whole wheat flour and they turned out amazing... I will probably skip the egg part next time. I prefer them without the egg wash. Enjoy!

A long time coming?

As I sit here watching the snow fall, I think of moments gone by. It has been so long since I have written a comic or a blog.  I spent so many of my days not doing what I wanted to. Fear failing or simply that I am just not good enough.

The winter sky is always either a bright blue or has hints of grey. I really love this time of year between November and March. All my favorite holidays happen. Here I am rambling again. Back to self-care.

Things have indeed gotten neglected on my end. I have started going back to the gym. Which is huge for me due to the general Anxiety disorder and PTSD. But I am lucky to have an amazing husband that is very supportive. We work out together.

I miss having friends. I really do, I tend to however pick people that are users. This is so unhealthy. One of the things I am doing it a mindfulness group. It is very helpful in learning unhealthy patterns and solving them.

So in writing this, I am hoping to reach out to others that have setbacks.  There are days I can't leave my home because I have such bad attacks. When the panic sets in, fear and loathing take over.  It is one of the worst feelings in the world.

As my husband Steven says, right now my job is self-care.  Learning to interact with others in my group is one step to achieving this. Also getting back to driving again. I really miss the days, of driving down the road. When I lived in Alaska I used to drive all over the place.

So thank you for reading this post. I know it's rough around the edges. I am a little rusty. So I sip my earl grey tea and enjoy its warmth. I think of others going through rough times. I hope we can all grow and learn together.