Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Self care apple tarts "Slightly deformed" :D

One amazing thing I have gotten into is making or baking... I made some yummy malformed tarts. When we go to Barns and Noble to get books. I love to grab an Americano and an apple tart. Let's face it. They are delicious.  So yesterday I sat there looking at the two apples I had left. and started to look for easy tart recipes. All called for premade pie crust. So then I was like okay. I'll just make a crust. Recipes for both are here; Links below. Tart filling:
 Pie crust:

Mind you, I broke out my rolling pin and got to work. looking back I should have taken more photos. But that's okay. Of course, I had never mad a pie crust so it was a challenge. I rolled out eight tiny crusts and placed them in my muffin tin.

Then I chopped up my two apples and made the filling...

I had a feeling of joy and satisfaction after this.  In the oven, they went. :D

They turned out yummy. Not too pretty but yummy.  But don't mind the odd color. I took the photo under a grow light, I keep for my herbs I grow.  Sadly those plants died. But I will tell a story about that another day.

This morning I had some with coffee so wonderful. I hope you all have a great day! Thank you for Stopping in.

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