Saturday, December 20, 2014

How can you tell the year?

It has been so long since the last sunrise hit my eyes. I was unclear. I'm not given a day or time. Perhaps it was a moon rise. Years could be passing by I would not know. It still seems like a dream in my mind. There was not way to tell the year. Everything was so very unclear.

At that very moment I found myself at the edge of a cliff. The waves crashed below. They cried out for me to join them. The tears of a thousand souls landed below.

I looked on as the Sun began to rise, it would be a new day of pain. One I thought I couldn't bear. But some how I would. The constant of dark dispare had seemed to leave me.

I looked at the waves crashing below, rushing sounds blew through my ear drums. The pounding in my ears was the sound of my heart beating faster than it ever had before.

The sun began to burn my eyes, as it peaked out from the clouds. I fell back hitting the rocky ground. I felt the pebbles dig into my palms. Blood slowly began to flow from my left hand. I looked at it quizzical and thought nothing of it. 

As the the blood dripped slowly downward, on my arm I pulled myself up. I was unsure why the Sun burned, but my pale skin began to tingle more. My nerves hurt like I had been set on fire.

I found myself running faster and faster the cut on my Palm seemed not to matter now. All I knew was I felt as if my skin was on fire. Pulling and tearing at my clothes I found a cave screaming, I gave a last breath. The dark enveloped me, the burning stopped. I knew I was in trouble, I thought I had just been asleep. But this was not a slumber. This was something else. I would wait for night to fall and then I would find what this, I had become.

Much time had passed, I waited the Sun finally went to its cursed earth. Far from me and the ability to burn my skin. I stepped out of my cave. I knew what I had to do. This was the moment that would change it all.

To be continued....

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Six thousand years

My heart floated through the sky free not sure what it would fine.

Six thousand years countless lifetimes spent in the arms of one man.

Nevertheless everything ends as it began. Fireflies dancing in the sky broken dreams fallen souls last romanced kiss..

Nothing had prepared me for this.... A new life had started... This one more broken and fragmented than any other...

I have always found myself not right in this place and time. Disconnected from the cars, phones, computers simply life in general. On the outside I fool people, using this little thing typing the letters to form this.

You see I don't or didn't know who I was. But slowly it came back to me. I find myself alone in this life. It's tormenting at best , it's like having yourself in two times at once. One is the life you see and the other is one you can't get to its gone. Hundreds of years gone. It's like touching the earth only to have it blow out of your hand.

The one who travel other lifetimes with me is gone... He is busy living moving on... Only briefly did he tell me of these things then to carry on with life.

Sadly the small moment I am able to grasp this in the a neutron bomb going off in my heart and mind. How does one process six thousand years all at once... You don't... You scream run pull your hair and fall to the ground in a heap...

You look up at the fireflies and know that what was is gone... The death and life of what was can't be changed. It simply is...

This life is not like the others. I detest what it is. The in humanity and lack of social interaction is sickening at best. Knowing the one who spent lifetimes with you is simply to busy kills me know. The biggest question is where do I go from here.

The question remains what do I do now. I sit at the edge looking on in wonder. What the hell do I do now.

The end.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


The dark night set in. The rain was crashing down hard...
Her feet hit the ground running faster and faster... The mud and water so cold under her feet.

Bloody from running her feet throbbed... The pain grew the harder she ran..

No shoes running in the rain her feet screaming from the impact...

She feel to the ground out stretched in the mud the rain fell and she laid in a heap.

A tiny firefly streamed along in the down poor...

Flying and flying till in stopping and landed on her cheek....

His little light warmed her face... She got up and saw the firefly she began to run after the tiny light..

He guided her from the storm.... Such a small spark of light.

A moment

Slowly she faded away like a summers breeze.
He once saw her as the most beautiful thing.
But he grew restless and bored.
She just faded away.... The autumn leaves started to fall...
She crunched under his feet.. The bright orange leaves turned to dust and blew away in the autumn Sun... Beautiful but now only a fraction of the beautiful girl he once loved.
He knew he wanted more he wanted spring... She was colorful and full of life...
Her blossoms smelled so sweet like honey. He could taste them in his mouth.
Touching the soft petals in his hands he knew what to do.
Suddenly spring gasped at his touch.
The man looked up and saw that spring was autumn.....
He did not understand... He had crushed her orange dry leaves to dust. He had watched them blow away. Suddenly spring answered..
Don't you understand....
I was always beautiful..   you just looked the other way. But I must go now I can't stay. I am blooming in beautiful mist and dew... It's calling out to me...
The man watched as she walked away... He knew what he lost... He sobbed quite and softly as he fell to his knees.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall of books

Today I had five dictionaries fall on my head. The big kind ..... It's Monday :(

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Self concepts of art... A look into Rachel

If any of you like Van Gogh then you know about the struggles he had with his art and his life. Above  is a chair painting I did at age 22. Paying omage to his art... 
It was one of many this is now hanging in my parents house. I built the frame and canvas myself.... Stretched it cut the wood the whole nine yards! Then hand drew the under sketch before I painted it! Lovely right! I got an a++ on college for it!  
You know what my class mates said.. Your art is shit.. You should quit now... 
 Funny??? Right??? I get or used to get that a lot on line too... Now I just tell people to fuck off or if they are so great then post your work... Response I get ... My art is better... Ect. Critics will always be around... 

 Here are examples of other sketches or painting I have done.
I did these years later the one above with the crazy cloud patterns is hanging in my friends House. He loved it. These are a few crazy abstract things I did. I was happy here. 
So what happened here? If you are an artist then you know the answer nothing? 

Well I was breaking out of an old shell. 
Are they awesome are they cool... Are they shit? No they just are. In order to grow you must fail. What happens is change! I had to let go... So I did. I did not give a crap what others thought. If I had then well... Why live. People on YouTube laughed .... Others tweeted this failure. But I knew my dream has been and always was to share my art. Those sketches above are ideas for my comic.

You know who stood by my ideals other comic artists. Such as ninja-x and my dear friend Meggan... And many others.
I broke free of the above shell and evolved..... 

It took time... And a lot of self love.... 

I even did spiderman after my wonder woman failure.... 

Water color painting before and after adding paint... All done by my hand. 

The ability to change and grow is an artists greatest gift and strength. 

Here we are today

The very last drawing I did a few days ago.. It has a touch of what is called manga style mixed with slight abstraction and comic book style. You combine those three and you have my style I use for my comics. So I leave you with this.... 
Be who you are. No two artists are the same. People will always hate your art.... Some will love it. The only thing you can do is love yourself and fuck the rest. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


For those who may struggle at times never give into critics. As an artist I learned this lesson the hard way. If some one tells you they hate your art, don't let it get to you. You can't let it rule your life. I did for a long time. Then I pulled out my high school transcript and saw all the art classes I took. Everyone has bad drawings. Shit I have many! Hands are the worst but I still embrace them! Don't let others tell you how to draw! Do it by your own rules. And if they say every drawing they do turns out perfect . They are full of shit. :) Just be you!

Below Meggan and Sean kissing in the rain.

Friday, September 26, 2014


This is super easy to make.....

Two boca vegan spicy chicken paties
Black grapes 1cup or 2 depends how much you want
1 cup of yellow grape tomatoes
1 head of romain lettus

Prepare boca patties with BBQ sauce of your choice. Lightly fried. 

Feeds 2 :)

Ways that are easy to help animals, save water, and help Mother Earth

If you are like me then you love animals. I believe like humans they have a soul.... :) By eating a plant based diet vegan or vegetarian you can save around 50-75 animals a year.

Also there are other things you can do.... Such as meatless Mondays. Even that helps a lot. 

By ditching dairy and drinking things like soy, rice, almond, oat, or coconut milk .....

After all 
They both have souls and want to live... Food for thought... No pun intended....


Good morning....

One of my biggest idols Mark Crilley Creator of Brody's Ghost.... Liked one of my drawings I posted on his Facebook page... I am stoked and honored.

Taken this very morning..... What I use to make my comic..... :) 

Part of the process of finding myself is sharing my comic blog, Oracle of The Dragonfly. 
My ever faithful spider man coffee cup. I can't write with out it... :) 

So it has been a while since I have posted on this blog. And I will be doing updates here about the comic and other stuff. So Head over to Oracle Of the Dragonfly, see how a few scribbled drawings, has begun to inspire people to dream.   :)

Monday, January 20, 2014


Two slices of whole grain white bread.
1 banana
1/2 avocado
Walnuts 1/4cup
Pinch of salt to taste

Enjoy!:) to make vegan use vegan bread!!!