Thursday, December 18, 2014

Six thousand years

My heart floated through the sky free not sure what it would fine.

Six thousand years countless lifetimes spent in the arms of one man.

Nevertheless everything ends as it began. Fireflies dancing in the sky broken dreams fallen souls last romanced kiss..

Nothing had prepared me for this.... A new life had started... This one more broken and fragmented than any other...

I have always found myself not right in this place and time. Disconnected from the cars, phones, computers simply life in general. On the outside I fool people, using this little thing typing the letters to form this.

You see I don't or didn't know who I was. But slowly it came back to me. I find myself alone in this life. It's tormenting at best , it's like having yourself in two times at once. One is the life you see and the other is one you can't get to its gone. Hundreds of years gone. It's like touching the earth only to have it blow out of your hand.

The one who travel other lifetimes with me is gone... He is busy living moving on... Only briefly did he tell me of these things then to carry on with life.

Sadly the small moment I am able to grasp this in the a neutron bomb going off in my heart and mind. How does one process six thousand years all at once... You don't... You scream run pull your hair and fall to the ground in a heap...

You look up at the fireflies and know that what was is gone... The death and life of what was can't be changed. It simply is...

This life is not like the others. I detest what it is. The in humanity and lack of social interaction is sickening at best. Knowing the one who spent lifetimes with you is simply to busy kills me know. The biggest question is where do I go from here.

The question remains what do I do now. I sit at the edge looking on in wonder. What the hell do I do now.

The end.

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