Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ever changing Interlocks

I have found everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it is not always clear why. Memories always flooding my mind. Standing on the edge of the galaxy not understanding what I have seen. Others like me seeing the planets of our home line up in perfect order. The air is cool calm, then suddenly I find myself here awake in my bed again. Am I seeing the past a genetic memory of my family?  Am I the last of a once great space fairing race stranded here on Earth? Holding my coffee trembling unsure what to think, the real world encroaches and I dress for work.

The water is cold in the shower, my tiny apartment never has hot water. Shivering I dry off, looking in the mirror I slap on mascara and sunscreen. I can never get it right sigh, pulling my jeans on my red sweater I run out the door for work. Running with my coffee in hand the bus zooms by.
"Well, that is just great." Standing in the snow I truck back to the bus covering and wait.
The sky is cold and grey. I am shivering more. The coffee turns cold. My mind goes back to the strange dreams I have at night.

I found myself looking back and as I did I stood silent in the snow, looking into my dreams.

Standing on a hard metal floor,  I look around.  I know this place is hot from steam. I hear cries and fear. I stand to hold a weapon it is not anything we have now. It is very old.
"You follow me." I follow the man. Strangely I know him. We are friends, closely I keep to the wall. We are afraid, the metal wall is cold but the air and steam are hot. Sparks are going off everywhere.
The women appeared in front of me. Licking her long Claws Speaking " Sorry darling". The man in front of me Sharnas drops to the ground. The Creature woman smiles pulling her claws from him. She is not Human, nor a reptile. She was feathered long legs and airs a purple-green color. I stood silent time seemed to stop. My friend still at the moment, unmoved. I look down holding the Weapon I fire towards the woman as she laughs. Pulling Sharnas while fighting to get away. I looked down, it seems I was standing on a grated floor. Hundreds of tiny skulls and bodies could be seen. I could feel the bile wanting to come up. I force it back, fighting and pulling I manage to get into a corridor. The bird reptile like female stood in front of me. A struggle ensued, I felt myself fly a crossed the room. Falling hitting the wall, hard looking up I felt myself trembling. Angry something inside of my soul fought back.  I stood up, charging screaming NO More. I used the force of my body, hitting the bird-reptile like female, she fell to the ground.

"BEEP BEEP" A sound startled me back to the reality of heading to work.
The Driver Looked at me. "Hey, You want the bus or not? I don't have all day lady."
I looked up. "Sorry, I must have spaced out." Of course, I got the normal strange looks.
Nothing new.  The of the man stuck in my head Sharnas. Why what did it, this mean. I laid my head against the bus window. The snow sparkled in the sunrise, beautiful the sky glowed a purple-green color as the sun rose over the mountain range. The color not unlike that of the woman from my dream. Sharnas what did he mean to me, was it a dream or real. The bus pulled out and I was off to work at a tiny book store slightly late as always.

Friday, September 18, 2015

BB 8

Spent some Time Drawing BB 8 today.. I am super excited about The force Awakens!

Monday, September 14, 2015

more concept art 6-24-12

Hello! Rachel Dragonfly here! Sorry I have not posted in such a long time, I have been tooling around things in my mind and scraping a lot of  drawings gone wrong like this one ..... show above.
Self doubt has played a big roll in my non drawing as of late.

I have draw a few dragons though,

And Finally I am back to Dragonfly Oracle

Sketch I upcoming art comics its been slow going But I know the more I persist The better the ideas will be.

Live well My friends more up dates soon!
Rachel Dragonfly out!

More Early comcept art of Meggan Oracle 8-11-12

Toying with ideas Let me know what you think... more will be posted as i have time to work =)

Preview even hero's need to be saved concept that never really took off! 2-25-12

You will Pay Oracle! You and Your Friends!

Be ready I have just the Person to stop You!
Meet Bruce, Maahahahha!

in a Moment Oracle Falls With little To hold on to!
"Fight Scene In Drawing stages still"
Grasping at the Cold ledge she wondering if she was going to survive?
strange out of no where? a hand pulls Oracle up!
strange arms pull her to safety

The Fear Had Only Just begun. Magical Was missing and this New Person, could they Be trusted.

To be-continued!!!!!!

Meggan Concept from 9-2-2012

sketch for the labor day weekend enjoy your day! Rachel Dragonfly

A first Look at Magical January 2012

Every comic needs A handsome hero. Meet Magical Mystery

Welcome to the Beginning

The origial post is still on the blog from January 2012. But Here is a look At my First post Below...

welcome To The Oracle Online comic Blog. Please bear with me over the next weeks and months as my Creation is on its way to being started. Or up and Running so To speak. This is a challenge I am taking on I Wish you all to come with me as Oracle takes flight into the online world.

1-12-12 First concept art

First Concepts Of the Claw!

First Published 8-4-12

Anime Dragonfly Girl.....

Moved From Comic blog. Some Of my First Ideas when I first started.

down Below are some Basic early Sketches Of an up coming story Line. Please Keep in mind that these are only the raw sketches. and More refining will come
Over the weeks and months.

The End? Of Us!

Hello From Payson Arizona

It has been a busy summer... Between Vacation and Learning To sword fight I have Not had a lot of time to work on Oracle. I Finally Got a New post After Totally shifting the Story line.
Jeraunus has been totally removed Magical is gone. Kara reappears as a beautiful cat like creature. Auron is now active but we have yet to see Meggan Oracle. I am working on a new look at writing the come with Steven and taking a darker path this season. I made a few mistakes with letting others influence my comic and try to get their name out there Which is my own fault. I am working on my comic with pencils and our computer. I want to work on fine tuning my drawings more but as you can see from the first few posts that I made. I find the more I stopped working on it the more I miss it. I love the writing and Drawing it allows people to see the world through my eyes. Steven Helps with the Ideas and is a huge support.  I will be making a goal of weekly posts Probably Sunday nights,  I hope that you guys Enjoy Reading it,  Have a great day.