Monday, September 14, 2015

Hello From Payson Arizona

It has been a busy summer... Between Vacation and Learning To sword fight I have Not had a lot of time to work on Oracle. I Finally Got a New post After Totally shifting the Story line.
Jeraunus has been totally removed Magical is gone. Kara reappears as a beautiful cat like creature. Auron is now active but we have yet to see Meggan Oracle. I am working on a new look at writing the come with Steven and taking a darker path this season. I made a few mistakes with letting others influence my comic and try to get their name out there Which is my own fault. I am working on my comic with pencils and our computer. I want to work on fine tuning my drawings more but as you can see from the first few posts that I made. I find the more I stopped working on it the more I miss it. I love the writing and Drawing it allows people to see the world through my eyes. Steven Helps with the Ideas and is a huge support.  I will be making a goal of weekly posts Probably Sunday nights,  I hope that you guys Enjoy Reading it,  Have a great day. 

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